Find addresses, phone numbers, and directions for Kaiser Permanente's Administrative offices in Washington state. We look forward to hearing from you. Search for primary care doctors and specialists in your Washington. Find hospitals, urgent care centers, pharmacies, and other locations near you. From 24/7 advice and phone appointments to urgent and emergency care, you have many ways to get medical and mental health care in Washington. MedStar Washington Hospital Center is a 912-bed major teaching and research hospital. It is the largest private, not-for-profit hospital in the nation’s capital, among the 100 largest hospitals in. Kaiser Permanente Washington is dedicated to creating better health in communities through a legacy of caring, innovation, excellence, equity and inclusion. At Kaiser Permanente, our.
From 24/7 advice and phone appointments to urgent and emergency care, you have many ways to get medical and mental health care in Washington. MedStar Washington Hospital Center is a 912-bed major teaching and research hospital. It is the largest private, not-for-profit hospital in the nation’s capital, among the 100 largest hospitals in. Kaiser Permanente Washington is dedicated to creating better health in communities through a legacy of caring, innovation, excellence, equity and inclusion. At Kaiser Permanente, our. Kaiser Permanente is a nonprofit health care system based in Seattle, providing care and coverage in Washington and North Idaho. Overview, history, leadership, financial reports.