The meaning of RENDEZVOUS is a place appointed for assembling or meeting. How to use rendezvous in a sentence. A rendezvous is a meeting, often a secret one, that you have arranged with someone for a particular time and place. I decided to keep my rendezvous with him. American English : rendezvous / ˈrɒndeɪvu / Translations in context of "rendez-vous" in French-English from Reverso Context: prendre rendez-vous, point de rendez-vous, vous rendez, j'ai rendez-vous, vous vous rendez They had made a rendezvous to meet at midnight. The park was the lovers’ usual rendezvous. The rendezvous took place at midnight. This pub is the rendezvous for the local artists and poets. (Translation of rendezvous from the PASSWORD English-French Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) rendezvous (plural rendezvous or (rare) rendezvouses) A meeting or date. I have a rendezvous with a friend in three hours. The hare lends its form to the witch for her twilight flittings and scuddings to the place of some unhallowed rendezvous. An agreement to meet at a.
Translations in context of "rendez-vous" in French-English from Reverso Context: prendre rendez-vous, point de rendez-vous, vous rendez, j'ai rendez-vous, vous vous rendez They had made a rendezvous to meet at midnight. The park was the lovers’ usual rendezvous. The rendezvous took place at midnight. This pub is the rendezvous for the local artists and poets. (Translation of rendezvous from the PASSWORD English-French Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) rendezvous (plural rendezvous or (rare) rendezvouses) A meeting or date. I have a rendezvous with a friend in three hours. The hare lends its form to the witch for her twilight flittings and scuddings to the place of some unhallowed rendezvous. An agreement to meet at a. Translation for 'rendez-vous' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.