During weekdays, the AMC movie ticket prices vary according to time. For shows that start before the midday, AMC runs a flat price of $7.00. Prices are higher for the 12PM to 6PM shows, with. There are only two differences: Black tickets cost more, and Yellow tickets cannot be used in CA, NY, or NJ. Typical price is $10, and available at Amazon, Costco, and Sam’s. Adult ticket price starts at around $16.39 for noon showtimes while children’s and seniors’ ticket prices start at $14.89. Afternoon and evening showtimes tickets are $18.89 for. For all the amenities and extras they offer, AMC movie ticket prices are relatively affordable. You can choose from over 20 movies at most AMC theater multiplexes, you can watch in 3D, in. View the latest AMC Theatres prices for all movie tickets including AMC Dine-In, Dolby Cinema at AMC, IMAX 3D, and RealD 3D for adults, children, and seniors.
Adult ticket price starts at around $16.39 for noon showtimes while children’s and seniors’ ticket prices start at $14.89. Afternoon and evening showtimes tickets are $18.89 for. For all the amenities and extras they offer, AMC movie ticket prices are relatively affordable. You can choose from over 20 movies at most AMC theater multiplexes, you can watch in 3D, in. View the latest AMC Theatres prices for all movie tickets including AMC Dine-In, Dolby Cinema at AMC, IMAX 3D, and RealD 3D for adults, children, and seniors. Real D® 3D ticket prices range from $18 to $23 for adults. Dolby Cinema® ticket prices, on the other hand, range from $20 to $25. IMAX® ticket prices also range from $20 to.