Find movie showtimes and movie theaters near 94523 or Pleasant Hill, CA. Search local showtimes and buy movie tickets from theaters near you on Moviefone. Movies now playing at Century 16 Downtown Pleasant Hill & XD in Pleasant Hill, CA. Detailed showtimes for today and for upcoming days. Discover showtimes and movie theaters near you with Fandango! Find showtimes, tickets, and more for your favorite cinema experience in Pleasant Hill, CA 125 Crescent Drive, Pleasant Hill CA 94523 | (925) 288-1371 13 movies playing at this theater today, February 22 Sort by Discover showtimes and movie theaters near you with Fandango! Find showtimes, tickets, and more for your favorite cinema experience in Pleasant Hill, CALIFORNIA
Discover showtimes and movie theaters near you with Fandango! Find showtimes, tickets, and more for your favorite cinema experience in Pleasant Hill, CA 125 Crescent Drive, Pleasant Hill CA 94523 | (925) 288-1371 13 movies playing at this theater today, February 22 Sort by Discover showtimes and movie theaters near you with Fandango! Find showtimes, tickets, and more for your favorite cinema experience in Pleasant Hill, CALIFORNIA Browse movie showtimes and buy tickets online from Cinemark Century Downtown Pleasant Hill 16 and XD movie theater in Pleasant Hill, CA 94523