If you are up for a relatively quick adventure, head on over to the Faerie Caverns, a maze of tunnels that is said to contain hidden Faerie treasures! The caverns are located in Faerieland and unveiled on June 2, 2011. It costs 400 NP. Faerie Quests are given out randomly when you are browsing the Neopets site, similar to a Random Event. Here is an example of what a quest will look like: You can also get a guaranteed daily faerie quest using a Faerie Quest Fortune Cookie, available from the NC Mall. Faeries are tiny magical creatures that live in Neopia. Meeting one is said to be very lucky indeed, as they can bless Neopets with all sorts of powers and abilities. There are many different types of faeries with differring powers, abilities and temperaments.
Faeries are tiny magical creatures that live in Neopia. Meeting one is said to be very lucky indeed, as they can bless Neopets with all sorts of powers and abilities. There are many different types of faeries with differring powers, abilities and temperaments.