Illinois Time Zone

Illinois Time Zone

US state Illinois (IL) time zone information, including time zone map, daylight savings time, current local time and state time bills. In which time zone is Illinois? What are the time zone names for standard time and Daylight Saving Time in 2025? Illinois time now. Illinois time zone and map with current time in the largest cities.

Current local time in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA, Central Time Zone. Check official timezones, exact actual time and daylight savings time conversion dates in 2025 for Chicago, IL, United States of America - fall time change 2025 - DST to Central Standard Time. Exact time in Chicago time zone now. Official Chicago timezone and time change dates for year 2025. Current local time in Illinois with information about official Illinois time zones and daylight saving time. Check time in Illinois right now, UTC offset and daylight saving time dates. When does clock change in 2025? Exact time now, time zone, time difference, sunrise/sunset time and key facts for Illinois, United States.

Current local time in Illinois with information about official Illinois time zones and daylight saving time. Check time in Illinois right now, UTC offset and daylight saving time dates. When does clock change in 2025? Exact time now, time zone, time difference, sunrise/sunset time and key facts for Illinois, United States. Exact time now, time zone, time difference, sunrise/sunset time and key facts for Illinois City, Illinois, United States.

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