Florida Building Code View the required documents, forms, review stops, inspections and fees. "Over-the-Counter" type permits are residential Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing only. Inspection information and requests for Charlotte County Community Development building and permitting. The Digital Plan Room, the county's electronic document review module, opened for business in April 2020. It is seamlessly integrated into the Citizens Access Portal , the entry point to online. Dan Gerry Building Inspector - Plumbing Daniel.Gerry@charlottecountyfl.gov 941.875.5192 Dominic Biondo Building Inspector - Structural Dominic.Biondo@charlottecountyfl.gov. Building: A review of the proposed work to ensure that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable structural requirements of the Florida Building Code. This also includes wind loads.
The Digital Plan Room, the county's electronic document review module, opened for business in April 2020. It is seamlessly integrated into the Citizens Access Portal , the entry point to online. Dan Gerry Building Inspector - Plumbing Daniel.Gerry@charlottecountyfl.gov 941.875.5192 Dominic Biondo Building Inspector - Structural Dominic.Biondo@charlottecountyfl.gov. Building: A review of the proposed work to ensure that the structure will be in compliance with the applicable structural requirements of the Florida Building Code. This also includes wind loads. List of residential permit types, fees and forms for Charlotte County building and construction.